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Nama: | Tn. Oddy Saputra Singko | |
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Alamat: | balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur Indonesia ![]() | |
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Tanggal Bergabung: | 25 Jun. 2024 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 11 Apr. 2014 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Konstruksi & Real Estate | |
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INTRODUCTION SAMUDERA PRATAMA has its objective to participate in supporting the national development as a national company whose main service is Under Water Services. SAMUDERA PRATAMA staff composed and supported by a team of executives and experts, and have experience in its fields from 5 to 15 years. These benefits SAMUDERA PRATAMA in its position as a reliable Diving Company. UNDERWATER SERVICES SAMUDERA PRATAMA provides a wide range diving services, ROV survey and salvage. SAMUDERA PRATAMA now operating with total employees + 25 divers personnel, all are ADCI ( Association Of Diving Contractors International) diver certified. Diving Services ( Surface Supplied Air)  » Underwater Maintenance and Repair.  » Underwater Installation and Engineering.  » Underwater Construction and Pipe Lying Support.  » Underwater Survey.  » Underwater Digital Photography.  » Underwater Digital Video Recording.  » Underwater NDT Inspection and Certification. - Magnetic Particle Inspection. - Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurements. - Cathodic Protection Installation - Marine Growth Measurement. - Scouring and Debris Survey. - Riser & Riser Clamp Inspection - UT. Scan.  » Public Work. - Underwater Dry and Wet Welding. - Underwater Oxy Cutting / Burning and Cool Cutting - Underwater Cleaning ( Water Jetting and Grid Blasting System) - Underwater Painting, Coating and Wrapping. - Underwater Grout bag and Sandbag ( pipeline support) Services â � ¢ Turn-Key Cathodic Protection â � ¢ Corrosion Engineering o Pre-Installation Corrosion Testing & Engineering o On-Going Corrosion Engineering Services o Third Party Design Review Of Corrosion Protection â � ¢ Cathodic Protection Consulting o Cathodic Protection Survey & Condition Assessment  § External Corrosion Direct Assessment  § Indirect Corrosion Assessment  § Soil Corrosion Analysis & Testing  § Corrosion Failure Analysis  § Concrete Corrosion Analysis & Protection o Expert Witness For Corrosion Failure â � ¢ Cathodic Protection Testing â � ¢ Pipeline Integrity Management o Pipeline Integrity Management, Direct Assessment o Pipeline Integrity Management, Indirect Assessment o Cathodic Protection Operator Qualification Cathodic Protection Consulting With more than 30 yearsâ � � experience in the corrosion industry, we provide the integrity engineering approach to evaluate defects in the pipeline and proactively manage the corrosion rate of each site. MATCOR helped develop todayâ � � s Pipeline Integrity Management regulations and provides consulting services for: â � ¢ Integrity management plan development â � ¢ High consequence area ( HCA) identification â � ¢ Pre-assessment planning and baseline assessment plans â � ¢ Direct assessment surveys â � ¢ Auditable trail and reporting Cathodic Protection Testing Our engineers perform a wide range of commissioning, corrosion testing and inspection services for our customers. Our NACE-certified professionals are knowledgeable in the latest corrosion testing technologies and are ready with state-of-the-art instruments and test equipment. We typically perform commissioning services with every cathodic protection project. Because corrosion is a time-dependent process, having good baseline data at the time the cathodic protection system is installed is critically important when evaluating a systemâ � � s operation several years later. Our commissioning report provides the client with a thorough baseline data set, which provides a valuable reference point in future years. Regular cathodic protection system inspection and testing should be performed to assure the proper operation of the cathodic protection system. Should operating conditions change, the proper inspection and testing program will identify the effect of these changes on the cathodic protection systems operation and help determine the need for additional protection. Often, simple adjustments can be applied to the cathodic protection system, eliminating the need for costly modifications or upgrades. This is especially true for impressed current cathodic protection systems, which are generally designed with some level of excess capacity. With galvanic systems, special care must be taken to assure that the structure being protected is isolated from other nearby structures. Testing of galvanic cathodic protection systems frequently results in the identification of isolation flange failures that can be easily fixed, restoring the cathodic protection system to proper working order. We provide a full range of testing including: â � ¢ Close interval surveys ( CIS) â � ¢ Alternating current voltage gradient ( ACVG) â � ¢ Direct current voltage gradient ( DCVG) â � ¢ Pipeline current mapper ( PCM) â � ¢ Soil resistivity surveys â � ¢ Guided ultrasonic wave ( GUL) Other Tests: â � ¢ Delamination surveys â � ¢ Full petrographic analysis â � ¢ Depth of cover â � ¢ Transit systems Concrete strength-compression Pipeline Integrity Management Pipeline Integrity Management can be a critical tool in maintaining pipelines and pipepine corrosion monitoring. MATCORâ � � s integrity engineering approach evaluates defects in the pipeline while proactively managing the corrosion rate of each site. An engineered prediction of a leak-free period will be determined between integrity evaluations. Through a network of industry leading partners, we provide the management, guidance and engineering solutions, like cathodic protection, to quickly identify time-dependent defects, such as external corrosion. Direct Assessment Procedures are used to maintain and monitor, identify areas of concern, to improve the performance of the pipeline system allowing an uninterrupted leak-free operation. We helped to develop todayâ � � s Pipeline Integrity Management regulations, and continue to provide consulting services for: â � ¢ Integrity management plan development â � ¢ High consequence area ( HCA) identification â � ¢ Pre-assessment planning and baseline assessment plans â � ¢ Direct assessment surveys â � ¢ Auditable trail and reporting Integrity management of pipelines is a systematic, comprehensive and integrated approach to proactively counter the threats to pipeline integrity. Pressure testing, in-line inspection and direct assessment methods are used to verify the integrity of a buried pipeline. However, not all pipelines can be pressure tested or run with in-line inspection. Two-thirds of gas transmission lines and 90% of distribution lines are not candidates for in-line inspection ( pigging) for a variety of reasons Cathodic Protection Using Marine Anodes Marine anodes developed out of a need for impressed current cathodic protection of structures in marine environments. Docks, piers, platforms, and submerged structures all need cathodic protection to ensure long life. Our Marine anodes are available with mixed metal oxide, platinum/ titanium or platinum/ niobium/ copper core. Custom assemblies can be constructed. We also have the repair facility in Balikpapan, built specially for the repair of on/ off highway heavy duty equipment: Transmissions, Differentials, Planetaries, and doing Overhaul for Tower Light, Engine, Genset , Turbocharge, Renforce Bucket/ undercarriage, etc. Our team of dedicated professionals have extensive expertise & experiences, both at a technical and oprational level, assuring clients of the best advice. Kemas & Pengiriman: spare part Keterangan: Pipa dan sambungan pipa, elbow, tee, reducer, valves, flange, etc. PERALATAN SAFETY : Helmet, hood, masker, breathing apparatus, ear plug, safaty glass, mirror, metal detector, uniform, safety shoes, boot, safety belt, safety full body harness, gas detector, spill containment pad, boom, glove, welding glove A. Fire Hydrant Ozeki, zeki. Angus, Ansul, Appron, Ashimori, FM200 Hydrant Box, Machino Coupling, Branch Pipe and Nozzle, Spray Nozzle, Siamese Connection, Hydrant Valve, Hose Rack, Hydrant Pillar, Fire Hose, Jet Star Fire Hose, Ozeki Fire Hose, Cotton Yarn, Polyester Fibre and Black Rubber Line, Three way fire hydrant pillar, fire brigade connection, Two way fire brigade connection, machino connection, van der heyde connection, two way hydrant pillar one way hydrant pillar, Potter electric vane type waterflow alarm switch with retard. B. FIRE ALARM, Fire Detector, Smoke Detector, Differential Detector, Fixed Temperature Heat Detector, Gas Detector, Flame Detector, Common Base, Indicating Lamp, Zone Bell, Fire Alarm Control Panel, Fire Signal Receiving SetFire Signal Transmitter, General Fire Alarm Control Panel, Door Indication Light, Electronic Buzzer, Gas Leakage Alarm Panel, Nittan Fire Alarm System, Fire Alarm Control Panel, Manual Alarm Station, Bell and Others, Local Combined Box, Annuciator Panel/ PSD, Photoelectric Smoke Detector, Fixed Temp Heat Detector, Ionization Smoke Detector, Rate of Rise Heat Detector, CNS 8877HC-407, HC-202D series 200, HC-1W, HC-2W, Motor Alarm Bell, Model HC-306L, P-1 Type Control Panle Model 1PK0, Swing & Fixed Type Fire Hose Reels, HC-202D, HC-307D, HC-407D, HC-601-UV, HC-207, HC-206A, HC-54D, HC-306A, HC-208, HC-602, HC-1024, HC-1120, HC-1220, HC-624B, HC-612B, HC-300L, HC-1W, HC-2W, HC-200L, HC-501R C. FIRE SPRINKLER, viking, micromatic sprinkler, horizon sprinkler, shilhouette sprinkler, pendent, upright, conventional, sidewall sprinkler, microfast sprinkler, special application sprinkler, Micromatic Sprinkler Model M, Sidewall sprinkler, adjustable escutcheon model E-1, Horizon Mirage Concealed SprinklerAlarm Check Valve Model J-1, Water Motor Alarm, F61, Series Standard Flow Rate Switch, Vane Tye Waterflow Switch with retard, outside screw and yoke valve supervisory switch, OSYSU-1 STK. No. 1010106, 1010206, 1MFI-R & 2MFI-R, PL-R4, PSD-nL, 2KH-LS, 2IC-LS, 2SC-LS D. Water Pump, Portable water pump, Fire Pump E. Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical / CO2, portable, wheel carrying, hooseki, yamato, Viking, ABCE Class Fire, CO2 BC Class Fire, appron Akron, Auto_Matrix, Amerex, Ansul, Angus, ABM, Alpindo, Apron, Bullard, Cobra, Chubb, Duraline, Fire Hose RRC, Firotec, Falcon, Golden Metal, Germany, Haws, Jet Star, Elkhart, Mini Max, Miyako, Nittan, National, MSA, Peacock, Red Guard, Sakura, Sabo, Spectronic, Hayes, Spray Safe, Hatsuta, Viking, Wilson, Zeki, Ozeki, Zieglar, Lutron Indonesia etc. Garmin GPSMAP 76 CSx, Garmin GPSMAP 60 CSx, Garmin GPS eTrex Vista CX, Garmin GPS 60i, Garmin GPS 60, GPSMAP 76, GPS 76, GPSMAP 60, Garmin GPS eTrex Yellow, Garmin GPS eTrex Legend CX, Samyung Epirb 406, furuno gp 32, furuno 1623 LCD Radar, Furuno Model 1721 Mark-2, nuvi 610, nuvi 300, BINOCULAR NIKON 12x50, Binocular Hunter 10-30x60, Total Station Nikon DTM-352, Kompass Suunto KB-14, Theodolite Nikon NE-101, Theodolite Horison ET-1005, Altimeter Suunto E-203, Leica Disto A5, Clinometer Suunto PM-5, Binochular Nikon Hunter, HT Motorola GP 2000, HT Motorola GP 328, HT Motorola GP-338, HT Icom IC V-8, HT Alinco DJ-196, HT Alinco DJ-596, HT Alinco DJ-400, HT Kenwood THK2AT, Rig Mobile Motorola GM-338, GM-3688, GM 3188, Radio Rig Mobile Icom IC-2200, IC V-8000, HT YAESU VX-150, HT Yaesu VX-7R, Radio Rig Alinco DR-135, DR-635, DR-620, GARMIN GPS e-Trex series ( legend, yelow, vista) , GPSMAP 60 CSx, GPS 60 i ( Indonesia) , GPSMAP 76 CSX, GPSMAP 296 C AVIATION, GPSMAP 276 C, GPSMAP 178 C SOUNDER, GPSMAP 298 SOUNDER, GPS 10 BLUETOTH, GPS RINO 530, GPS RINO 520, IQUE 3000 ( PDA) , FURUNO gp 32, furuno 1623 LCD Radar, Furuno Model 1721 Mark-2, DOWNLOAD PETA DIGITAL INDONESIA, NIKON, TOPCON, HORISON, LEICA, SUUNTO, ESTWING, HUNTER) ; ; TOTAL STATION, THEODOLITE, KOMPASS, ALTIMETER, CLINOMETER, BINOCHULAR, TAJIMA, KOMPASS TANDEM, LEICA DISTROMETER, AUTOMATIC LEVEL, PALU GEOLOGI, DLL, MOTOROLA, ICOM, ALINCO, KENWOOD, YAESU, HYT) HT Motorola( gp 328, 338, 2000) , Alinco ( DJ-196, DR-135) , Kenwood ( THK2AT) , Icom ( IC v-8, IC 2200, IC V-8000) . FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION - Alat Keselamatan Kerja, Helm, Googles, baju, uniform, glove, sarung tangan, fitter glove, masker, safety shoes, saftey belt, hardness, ear plug - Alat Pertanian : Pompa Air, Mesin Potong Rumput, Sprayer, Fogging Machine, Soils Test, Bor Tanah, Saringan, Sieve Shaker, brush Cutter, pH meter tanah, soil penetrometer, Soil Splitter, Soil Test Kit, NPK Tester, Soil Shear Tester, Bor Gambut, Genset, Sprinkler Pertanian, Auger, Cangkul, plastik mulsa, paranet, shading net, soil moisture meter, dll - Alat Laboratory : Anemometer, Tachometer, Soil Moisture Meter, . Thermometer, Thermohygrometer, Hygrometer, vibration meter, alat ukur ketebalan, alat uji kekering jagung, kacang, rumput, biji bijian dll. - Perpipaan : Pipa, Elbow, reducer, tee, gasket, valve, glove, check, butterfly, waffer, bolt dan nut, HDPE, EPC - Alat Survey Digital Theodolite Topcon, Sokkia, Leica, Horizon, Nikon, TOPCON DT-202L, TOPCON DT-205L, TOPCON DT-207L, NIKON NE-101, NIKON NE-102, SOKKIA DT-201, SOKKIA DT-610, SOKKIA DT 510A, 510, HORIZON ET-1002, HORIZON ET-1005, OPTEK DE-5, GRATIS ALUMUNIUM TRIPODAN RAMBU UKUR 3 Mtr TOTAL STATION TOPCON GTS-233N, 235N, 105NSOKKIA SET610 2310 Goldak Triad 760DX Metrotech EMS Locator 8850 Rycom Pathfinder 500 Pipehorn 800 Pipehorn 8856 Rycom Locator 510 Pipe Locator 810 Locator 8869 Rycom Locator 5600-SI Goldak 810DX Locator 8890 Rycom Locator 600 Goldak Locator 880B Metrotech Locator 902 Goldak Locator 8840 Rycom Pathfinder 9860/ 9890 Metrotech Marine Support : Tank Cleaning, Painting, Blasting , Docking Etc A TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A-3 Drill and Tap Machine Alarms - Autodialers Aqua Curb & Valve Box Locator A-Frame Barricade Alcojet Aqua Scope Leak Detector ABS Fitting Reamer Alconox Powdered Cleaner Aqua-Stop Curb Stop Tool Alcotabs Cleaning Detergent AquaTap Hot Tapping Machine ADAPTERS Alkaline Batteries Arsenic Test Kit Aluminum Ascorbic Acid - Tablets Brass ALKALINITY Ascorbic Acid - Granular Bushings Test Kit - Hach Double Male Test Kit - Lamotte Female to Male Hex Test Strips ASHCROFT Flange, Digital Fire Hydrant Gauge Galvanized Digital Pressure Gauge Garden Hose Thread All-Weather Notebooks Duragauge PLUS! Hose Altitude Gauges Hydrant Aluminum Pipe Wrench Asphalt Saw Blade Storz Aluminum Rigid Diffuser Swivel Female to Female Aluminum Swivel Diffuser AUGERS, CLEANOUT TOOLS Swivel Female to Male Auger and Rethreader AMCO METERS Curb Box Adjustable Hex Wrench Compound Meter Valve Box Adjustable Valve Sling Digital Register Direct Read Auto Prime Valves AERATION Hydrant Autoclave Blowers, Sutorbilt Magnetic Meter Auto-Cut Copper Tube Cutter Diffusers, Coarse Bubble Reader Packages Autodialers Diffusers, Fine Bubble Remote Read Avocado Switches Dissolved Oxygen Control Turbine Meter Filters, Paper AWWA Filters, Polyester AMERICAN SIGMA Books Filters, Silencers All Weather Sampler Leak Detection Book Gauges Portable Sampler M4 Oil, Synthetic Refrigerated Sampler M6 Pressure Gauges M14 Pressure Switches M17 Pressure Reducing Valve AMMONIA M22 Suspended Solids Control Distillation Apparatus M37 Vacuum Meters Test Kit M48 Vibration Meters Standard Methods Ampoules - Chlorine Videos Ampoules - Fluoride Analyzer - Utility Service Angle Ratchet Set Angle Valves Anti-Seize Lubricant Antiseptic Hand Wash - Purell B TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B-101 TAPPING MACHINE Blades, Diamond BRASS Drills and Taps Blades, Standard Adapters Inserting/ Extracting Tool Blanket Sludge Detector Angle Valves Parts Bleach/ Chlorine HTH Bushings Repair Kit Bleach Test Kit Corporation Stops Saddles & Gaskets Couplings Tapping Machine BLOWERS Curb Stops AC Blowers Fittings Back Supports AC Explosion Proof Hammers, Flaring Aeration Hose Caps and Plugs BACKFLOW PREVENTION Centrifugal Nipples AWWA M14 Book DC Meter Adapters Custom Assemblies Smoke Meter Setters Backflow Meters Vents and Ducting Pipe Plugs Hydrant Ventilation Index Swivel Hydrant Wyes Watts TK99D Test Kit Watts TK99E Test Kit Blue Crystal Disinfecting Tabs Bromine Test Kit Watts TK9A Test Kit Bronze Meter Flange Kit BOD TESTING Bag Plugs Analyzers BRUSHES BOD/ Flask Brush Brushes - Cleaning BAGS Bottles/ Racks Laboratory Dechlorinating Incubators Paint Not-In-Service Bags Winkler Test Kit Out-Of-Service Bags Bubble Diffusers, Coarse Plugs Bubble Diffusers, Fine Sample Bombs, Smoke - Sewer Test Buchner Funnel Thio Buffalo Valve Box Vacuum Whirl-Pak BOOKS Activated Sludge BUFFERS Balances, Lab AWWA Liquid, pH Bandages, First Aid CSUS Pouches, pH Barrel Locks Index - Books Powder Pillows Meter Book BARRICADES RTW Books and Charts Bug Spray Cones Standard Methods Bulldog Seal Press Fences Buret Clamp Manhole Guard Bolts and Nuts, MJ Bursting Wedge Type 1 Traffic Bushing - Brass BORING TOOLS Bushing - Hydrant Conversion Barricade Tape Horizontal Bypass - Diffused Flow Bars, Pry Bar for Valve Box Hydraulic Pipe Pusher Batch Flow Indicator/ Totalizer TT Tech, Grundomat Batteries Waterline Replacement BCI DECHLORINATORS BOTTLES 260/ 260i 2 1/ 2 " Amber 1500 Model - 4 & 4 1/ 2 " Beaker BOD BEAKERS Carboys Nalgene Griffin Nalgene Pyrex Griffin Rectangular Sampler Bee and Hornet Spray Sampling Bell Joint Leak Repair Clamp Square Beaker Belt Scraper Unitary Wash Bench and Drawer Liner Wheaton Bending Machine Wide Mouth Bendi Sonde Bevelers for Plastic Pipe BOXES Big Mouth Plugs Clipboard BIO-NEUTRALIZER Tablets Meter BIO-SANITIZER Tablets Service Line BIOPERC Remediation Tablets Bioscience COD Meter Biosystems Gas Detector C TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z CABINETS CHEMICAL HANDLING Cold-Shot Pipe Freeze Kit Fire Extinguisher Bacterial Treatments Cold Weather Clothing, Hi Vis Flammable Storage Brine Storage Tanks Laboratory Safety Chlorine Controllers COLORIMETERS Chlorine Cylinder Stand Aluminum Cable Locators Chlorine Gas Detectors Ammonia Cable, Pipe Pulling Chlorine Scales Bromine Cable Saw, Plastic Pipe Chlorine Wall Mount Bracket Chlorine Calcium Hypochlorite - HTH Drum Cradle Chlorine & pH Calcium Thiosulfate Drum Decks Chlorine Dioxide Drum Deheaders Chromium CALCULATORS Drum Openers Copper CAPTOR Estimator Drum Lifter Dissolved Oxygen Water Flow M7 Drum Pumps LaMotte Chlorine Drum Racks Calibration Gases Drum Scales Colorimeter Grade DPD Tablets Calibration Standards Drum Tipper Combination Shut Off Key Cam Lock Couplings Drum Wrenches Combo Curb and Valve Key Lutz Drum Pump COMBO Dechlorinator Kit CAMERAS Pail Heater Communication Station, Hazard Manhole Inspection pH Controllers Pipe, Ridgid Piston Drum Pumps COMPOSITE SAMPLERS PVC Drum Pump American Sigma Cans, Safety Gas Rotary Drum Pump Global Water Candles, Smoke Spill Containment Cap Ring Replacement Tool Sulfur Dioxide Gas Detector Conductivity/ TDS Tester Caps, Hydrant Chemical Tablet Feeders CONES CAPTOR Imhoff Estimation Charts CHEMICALS Traffic Liquid Ascorbic Acid Granular NSF MSDS Ascorbic Acid Tablets CONFINED SPACE Buffers, pH Blowers Carboys BIO-NEUTRALIZER Tablets Confined Space Systems Cart - Pipe Inspection BIO-SANITIZER Tablets Gas Detection BIOPERC Remediation Tablets OSHA Compliance CASES Blue Crystal Tablets Training Program Pelican Style CAPTOR NSF Wall Cases Chlorine Tablets / Granular Construction Signs UK Cases Dechlorination Containers - Water Sampling Digestase, Sewer Digestant Containment Berms Cast Iron Melting Pot HTH Chlorine Convection Ovens Catch Basin Cleaner LPD-Chlor Catch Basin Cleanout/ Dipper Sodium Ascorbate NSF COPPER Vita-D-Chlor Tablets Bending Machine CAULKING TOOL Vita-D-Chlor Granular NSF Meter Setters Caulking Clay Test Strips Caulking Hammer Cherne Plugs Tube Rounder Caulking Jute - Oakum Chests, Tool Tubing Cutters Caulking Lead - Bars & Bags Chicago Steel Tape Locators Caulking Tool Kit Chisels Copperhead Tracer Wire Chisel - Cold Chisel CORETAKER Sludge Sampler Chisel - Cutting Out CHLORIDE TESTING Corporation Stops Electrode Corp Stop Wrench-Hackensack Caution Tape Standards Correlators Caution Signs Test Strips Coupling - Automatic Universal Cave-In Protection Manual Centrifuge, Lab CHLORINE COVER LIFTERS Centrifugal Blowers Colorimeters Manhole Centrifugal Pumps Free & Total Test Kits Meter Box Certification Training, CSUS DPD Dispenser Valve Box Chain Cutter, Hydraulic Instrumentation Cover Shover Channellock Pliers Test Kit - High Range Test Kits Coveralls CHART RECORDERS Test Strips Crayons, Marking 24 Hour Charts Crescent Pipe Tongs 7 Day Charts Cimarec Stirrers Crimstrate Copper Rounder Digital Datalogger Circular Charts CST Ferro Locators Hydrant CITRANOX Cleaner Curb & Valve Box Cleaners Paper Request Form CL-12 Drilling Machine Pens Clamps CURB BOX Pressure Recorders Auger Telog CLEANING Boxes Universal Pens Brushes, Labware Keys Strip Charts Detergents, Labware Locks, Curb Box & Pipe Hand Replacement Lids CHEMICAL FEED Rethreader Agitator CLEANOUT TOOLS Sleeves Alarms Auger, Curb Box Extensions Analog to Digital Converter Auger, Valve Box Autodialer Catch Basin Curb Stops AWWA M37 Curb and Valve Box Cutting Out Chisel Chemicals Pipe Pigs Chlorine Tablets Sand & Mud - Madison Cleaner Coveralls, DuPont Tyvek Service Box CUTTERS Degassing Valves Sewer 4-Wheel Steel Pipe Digi-Pulse Flow Monitors Scrapers Guillotine Pipe Cutter Drum Accessories Service Line Buffalo Box Hinged Pipe Cutter Drum Pumps Spring-Loaded Sewer Midget Tubing Cutter LPD-Chlor Tablets Valve Box Ratchet Feed Pumps, Chem-tec Valve Box Vacuum Ratchet-Cut Tube and Pipe Feed Pumps, LMI Ridgid Tubing Cutter Feed Pumps, Mec-O-Matic Clipboards Rotary Cutter Feed Pumps, Motorized Closing Carabiners Internal Plastic Pipe Cutter Feed Pumps, Neptune Feed Pumps, Stenner CLOTHING Cutting Oil Feed Pumps, Pulsatron Coats Cyanide Distillation Apparatus Feed Pumps, Walchem Coveralls Feeders, Tablet Footwear Filtration Gloves CYLINDERS Flow Indicator Goggles Graduated Kimax Fluoride Saturator Hats Graduated Nalgene Gloves Headgear Goggles, Face Protection Jackets Injectors, Corp Stop Lab Coats Instruments/ Analyzers Overalls Liquid Ends Pants Liquid Level Switches Rainsuits Mixers/ Agitators Safety Vests pH Sensors Safety Jackets Polymer, Cationic Shirts Polymer Feed Sweatshirts Reference T-Shirts Repair Kits, LMI Vests Tanks Winter Liners Transfer Pumps, Hand Transfer Pumps, Motorized CO2 Freeze Kit Troubleshooting LMI Pumps Coarse Bubble Diffusers Valves, LMI COD Testing Wall Mount, Pumps Cold Chisel D TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z D-5 Drilling Machine Deep Well Sockets DISSOLVED OXYGEN D-Chlor Depth Gauge Eutech Danger Signs Descaler, Pipe Hach Detection Tape, Metallic Rosemount DATA LOGGERS Detector Tubes Zullig Autodialers Dewatering Pumps Flow Diameter Tape, Pipe Distance Measurement Hydrant Diamond Blades Hydrant Pressure Diaphragm Pumps DISTILLATION KITS Level Ammonia Pressure DIFFUSERS Cyanide Weather/ Rain 2 1/ 2 " Swivel, psi/ gpm Fluoride 2 1/ 2 " Swivel, Digital psi/ gpm Davit Arm - Fixed or Portable 2 1/ 2 " Aluminum Rigid DML Ferromagnetic Locator DBI SRL/ Rescue Winch 4 " and 4 1/ 2 " Swivel Dog Repellent, Halt Spray DBI Tripod 4 " and 4 1/ 2 " Aluminum Swivel Dolly for Rotating Pipe De-Odor Sleeve Debris Screen, Swiveling Doppler Flowmeters Digital Flow Diffuser Double Shot Socket Wrench DE-GREASERS Elbows Drain Away Godziller, Hitch Mount DPD Orange Degreaser Hose Monster Liquid Orange Drain Cleaner Hydraflush 2500 Powder Pop 2 Floating Lift Station Degreaser Hydrant Flow Gauge Reagent Hydrant Pressure Recorder Pillows Debris Cap, Valve Box LPD-250 Dechlorination Diffuser Tablets, Colorimeter Grade Deburring Tools for Plastic Line Tamer, Tow Behind Manhole Flush Stand DRAIN CLEANERS DECHLORINATION Pitots Ridgid K3800 BCI Venturi Pressure, Static Ridgid K40 CAPTOR Pressure Testing Outfit Ridgid KJ1350 1-1/ 4 " to 4 " Dechlor Chemical Signs Ridgid KJ3000 2 " to 8 " Dechlor Demon Tees, Flushing LPD-250 Test Kits DRILLING MACHINES LPD-Chlor B-101 LPD Super Dechlor Kits Digestase Sewer Digestant D-5 Manifold, High Volume Digging and Utility Bars E-5 Mats and Bags Digital Fire Hydrant Gauge Metering/ Dosing Systems Digital Hydrant Pressure Test Drills Overflow Digital Pressure Gauges Dry Chemical Dosing System Pumps Digital Pressure Recorders Dry Gauges Tank Dipping Needle, Aqua Locator Duc-Lugs Test Strips Dipper, Catch Basin Cleaner Duct Tape Test Kits Dippers and Tank Sampling Dust Caps Vita-D-Chlor Discharge Hose Dyes, Leak Tracing Disks, Out of Service E TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z E-Coli Testing Electromagnetic Meters Exerciser - Gate Valve E-5 Drilling Machine Emergency Dechlorinating Bags Extensions - Gate Valve Ear Plugs Emergency Eyewash Station Extractor for B101 Ear Muffs Emergency Showers Extractor Cover and Vault Lifter Easy Reach Grabber Extractor Manhole Lifter Economy Fire Hydrant Gauge EMS LOCATORS AND BALLS Elbow - Angle & Suction Balls Elbow, Flushing Goldak MLX Locator EYE PROTECTION Electric Pipe Thawer Metrotech 760DX Eyewash Station Glasses ELECTRODES ENFM Liquid Filled Gauges Goggles Arm & Soak Bottle Erlenmeyer Flasks Buffers Eyewear Cleaning Wipes Ion Specific F TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Faceshields FIXED GAS DETECTION SYSTEMS FLOW MEASUREMENT, cont. Fall Protection Biosystems Insertion Mag Meters RKI Insertion Paddle Wheel FCS LEAK DETECTOR Magmeter FCS Xmic Leak Detector Flagging Tape Totalizer/ Indicator S30 Acoustic Leak Surveyor FLAGS Flow Testing Kits Fencing Hydrant - Cap Mount Flow Through Plugs Ferromagnetic Locators Hydrant - Flexible Flow-Thru Jet Swet Plugs Fiberglass Hydrant Flags Hydrant - Plate Mount Fluid, Smoke Fiberglass Measuring Tape Hydrant - Reflective Fluoride Colorimeter Filter Funnel, Buchner Traffic Warning Fluoride Distillation Apparatus Fire Extinguisher Utility Marking Fluoride Saturator Fire Flow Tester Software Flush Stand Flammable Storage Flushing - Diffusers FIRE HOSE Flushing Video Adapters, Brass FLARING TOOLS Flushing Elbows - Premier Hose Roller Drilled Flaring Tool Flushing Elbows - Economy Hose Shutoff Hammerhead Flaring Tool " Flushing Only " Disks Storz Plastic Pipe Flaring Tool Flushing Signs Fluorescent Dyes Fire Hydrant Flashlight - Hydrant Periscope Foam Pigs for Pipe Cleaning Flashlights - Streamlight Folding Traffic Barricades FIRST AID CPR Kits FLASKS FREEZE KITS Healing Sprays Erlenmeyer Cold Shot Kits Filtering Freeze Master Line Freezer Signs Volumetric Portable Freeze Kit Qwik Freezer FISHER Flexible Hydrant Flags Ridgid Super Freeze 1266-X Hobby Locator Flexible Packing Hooks CZ-5 Target ID Locator Flexi-Flags FP-ID 2100 Ferro Locator Flexi-Trace FUNNELS FX-3 Ferromagnetic Locator Flexrods Buchner M-101 Float Switches, Avocado Filter with Clamp M-66 Float Switches, Mech. Magnetic Filter M-97 Sondes FLOW MEASUREMENT Furnace - Benchtop Muffle TW-6 Doppler Flow Meters Furnace, Emergency Lead Melting TW-7700 Flow Gauge - Hydrant Furnace - Lead Melting TW-8800 Flow Probe XLT-30 Flow Test Kit Water Level Indicators G TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z GA-52Cx Locator GAUGES GLOBAL WATER GA-72Cd Locator 2.5 " Liquid Filled WS700 GA-92XTd Locator 4 " Liquid Filled WS740 Galvanized Fittings Altitude Gauges Garden Hose Bushings, Brass GLOVES Gas Cans Digital Gauges Blue Dip Gas Detection Dry Gauges Butyl ENFM Gauges Chemical Resistant Filter Snubber Diamond Grip GAS MAIN TOOLS Hydrant Dispensers Bags Hydrant Flow Drivers Gloves Drip Pump Hydrant with Bleeder Heavy Duty Rubber Shut Off Clamp Inspection Pressure Testing Honey Grip Line Gauge N-Dex Nitrile GATE VALVE PG2000 Digital Pressure Lab Adjustable Valve Sling PG5000 Digital Pressure Latex Gate Valve Exerciser Pitot with Case Leather Keys Pressure Tester Neoprene Coated Locks Quick Disconnect Pitot North Grip N Gloves Manual Valve Operator Snubbers Reflective Work Gloves Nut Replacement Tool Technical Tips / Notes Oakum Jute Godziller Diffuser Packing Hooks Geophone Leak Detector Pollard Valve Tong GOLDAK Portable Valve Operator GLASSWARE 2310 Digital Locator Ratchet Speed Wrench Beakers 4360 Pipe and Cable Locator Turn-N-Count Valve Wrench Bottles 600 Passive Locator Universal Valve Tong Bottles, BOD 5600-SI Locator Valve Wheel Brushes 720 Valve Locator Valve Wheel Wrench Burets 902 Split Box Locator Valvemaster Exerciser Clamps EMS Marker Ball Locator Cylinders GatorCam System Detergents Graduated Cylinders Distillation Kits Graduated Griffin Beakers Flasks Gravity Convection Lab Oven Funnels Ground Penetrating Radar Holders Ground Probes Pipets Grounding Reel Racks Groundwater Sampling Separatory Funnels Grundomat Boring Tool Guillotine Saw H TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z H603/ H604 Powerdrives HONDA PUMPS HYDRANT, cont. 4-Stroke Dewatering Pump Flag, Cap Mount HACH WB20 Economy 2 " Pump Flag, Flexible Alkalinity Test Kit WB30 Economy 3 " Pump Flag, Plate Mount Arsenic Test Kit WD20 Deluxe 2 " Pump Flag, Reflective Buffers WD30 Deluxe 3 " Pump Fiberscope Inspection Light Cl2 Free and Total Test Kits WDP20 Diaphragm Pump Flow Gauge Cl2 High Range Test Kit WDP30 Diaphragm Pump Flow Test Kit Cl2 Pocket Colorimeter II WH15 High Pressure Pump Flushing Chlorine Standard WH20 High Pressure Pump Flushing Only Disks COD WMP20 Chemical Pump Gauges, Static Pressure Dissolved Oxygen Meter WP20 Economy 2 " Gradelok DR870 Colorimeter WT20 2 " Trash Pump Hose Hog Pump Fluoride Colorimeter WT30 3 " Trash Pump Hose Washer and Roller Nitrate / Nitrate Test Kit WT40 4 " Trash Pump " Hydrant Flushing " Sign Reagents WX10 Lightweight Pump Hydrant Ring Replacement Tool Portable Turbidity Meter WX15 Lightweight Pump Identification, Brass Tags Total Chlorine Test Kit Invincible Seat Removal Wrench Water Quality Colorimeter Honey Grip Gloves JOZ Swivel Restrictor Lifting Cage Hacksaw HOOKS Line Gauge Halt Spray - Dog Repellant Manhole Cover Little Gulp Hydrant Pump Hammer - Brass Manhole Cover with 90o Handle Lock for Meter Hammer - Rubber Grip Manhole Cover with Offset Locks, Security Hammerhead Flaring Tool Locking Caps Hand Cleaner - Fast Orange Horizontal Boring Machine Lubrication, Mueller Oil Hand Cleaner Towels Hornet Spray Main Valve Repair Kit Handi-Clam Cleaner Meter HOSE Meter with Backflow HAND TOOLS Adapters Mueller Repair Kits Air Tools Bushings Not In Service Bags Allen Wrenches Coupling Sets Nozzle Wrench, Mueller Corded Drills Discharge Nozzle Saver Corded Grinders Double Jacket Fire Hose Out of Service Bags Corded Hammers Extreme Duty Discharge Out of Service Disks Corded Sanders Garden Hose Adapters Paint, Epoxy Corded Saws General Purpose Paint, Reflective Cordless Bandsaws Heavy Duty Discharge Periscope Flashlight Cordless Drivers/ Drills High Vac Suction Pitots Cordless Flashlights Hose Hopper Pressure Recorder Cordless Jigsaws Hose Nozzles Reflective Bands Cordless Saws Light Duty Discharge Hose Reflective Pavement Markers Drill Bits Pressure Washer Hose Relief Valve, Bypass Drill Blades Rubber/ Plastic RPZ Test Kit Hammers Single Jacket Discharge Safety Flange Repair Kit Impact Sockets Storz Connection Seat Removal Wrench Measuring Tapes Strainers Setter - Chain Pliers Skimmers Setter - Cable Proto Tool Sets Suction Hose Shoe Repair Kit Ratchets Tape Shut Off Valves Saw Blades Washers and Rollers Solormarker Pavement Markers Screwdrivers Stabilizer Shovels Hose Hog Pump Steam Thawer Socket Sets Storz Connections Stanley Tool Sets HOSE MONSTER DECHLOR DEMON Swivel Gate Valve Tool Boxes / Chests Hose Nozzle - 2 1/ 2 " Swivel Restrictor Wrenches Pumper Nozzle - 4 & 4 1/ 2 " Swivel Setter Thread Sizing Gauge Handy Hook Hot Plates TK9A Backflow Test Kit Hard Hat Light Hot Tap Drilling Machine TK99-D Backflow Test Kit Hard Hats House Inspection Pressure Test TK99-E Backflow Test Kit Hardness Colorimeter HPR-31 Flow Diffuser Wrench, Nozzle A-316 HPR Fow KIT Wrench, Operating, A-311 HARNESSES HTH Dry Chlorine Wrench, Pollard Spanner DBI ExoFit Full Body Wrench, Reversible Ratchet Triple D Vest Style HURCO Wrench, Storz Spanner Miller Adjustable Harness Power Smoker 2 Wrench, Style 15 Ripcord Smoke Blowers Wrench, Turn-N-Count Headlamps Smoke, Liquid Wrench, WACHS Wyes HEARING PROTECTION Hydraflush, Removable Lid Yard/ Post Hydrants Earmuffs Ear Plugs HYDRANT Hydraulic Pipe Cutter Adapters Anti-Seize Lubricant HYDROSTATIC TEST PUMPS Backflow Preventer Hand Operated HEATH Ball Valve Shut Off Pneumatic Aqua Scope Bonnet Double Shot Wrench Use With Chlorine Sure-Lock Locator Bonnet Repair Kit Book, AWWA M17 HF SCIENTIFIC Brass Hydrant Pump Chlorine Colorimeter Bypass and Relief Valve DRT-15CE Turbidity Meter Caps - Colored Plastic Micro 100 Turbidimeter Caps, Chains and Gaskets Cap Ring Replacement Tool Hi-Vac Suction Hose Collars, Reflective High Pressure Aqua Seal Plugs Cut-In Sleeve High Pressure Roll-Up Plugs Dechlor Demon - 2 1/ 2 " High Visibility Rainwear Dechlor Demon - 4 & 4 1/ 2 " Hinged Pipe Cutter Dewatering Pump HL5000 Leak Detector Diffusers HL90 Leak Detector Digital Pressure Recorder Hoe, Sludge Electric Hydrant Pump Hollow Hammer Extensions, Mueller Holster, Aerosol Paint , HDPE Pipe HDPE Fitting HDPE LINER HDPE Geomembrane I TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Imhoff Cones Inserting Tool, B101 Insulation Meter Jackets Imhoff Cone Brush Inspection Camera Internal Plastic Pipe Cutters Incubator - Culture Inspection Mirror Incubator - QL Inspection PSI Testing Gauge INTIMIDATOR Curb Box Locks INFILTRATION CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION Hydrant Locks Dyes, Leak Tracing Ammonia Manhole Locks Manhole Inflow Protector BOD Meter Coupling Locks Root-X Root Control Chlorine Plug Locks Smoke Blower COD Conductivity Invincible Seat Removal Tool Inflation Hose for Plugs Dissolved Oxygen Ion Specific Electrodes Inline Meter Tester Handbook for Wtr & WW Plants Iron Out Insect Repellant Nitrate / Nitrites Iron Test Kit Organics ISE Electrodes INSERTION FLOW METERS Orthophosphate Batch Flow Totalizer pH ORP Blind Analog Transmitter Suspended Solids Data Logging Systems TOC Electromagnetic Flow Meter Total Phosphate Paddle Wheel Turbidity J TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z J-Hook Manhole Lifter Jar Testers Jet Swet Plugs J-Plug Jars Jet Swet Flow-Thru Plugs Jackets, Water Meter JCM Wrenches Joint Compound, Pipe Jute for Caulking K TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z KEYS KEYS ( cont.) KEYS ( cont.) Adjustment Tool, Screw Type Marston Wheel Valve Key Telescoping Curb Stop Auger, Curb Box Meter Pit Cover Telescoping Gate Valve Auger, Valve Box Millennium Key Valve Box Buffalo Style Operators, Portable, Wachs Valve Box Height Adjustment Cleaner Pollard Universal Key Valve Wheel Speed Wrench Combination Shut-off Power Drives, Portable Universal Key Curb Stop Shut-off Replacement, Operating Nuts Exercisers, Portable Rethreader, Service Box Keys, Lockout/ Tagout Exercisers, Valve Ring Handle Gate Valve Extensions, Valve Service Box & Rod KIMAX EZ Turn Valve Wrench Service Box & Rod Solid Filtering Flasks Flexible Curb Stop Key Space Saving Graduated Cylinders Gate Valve with Swivel Socket Super Duty Cover Remover Gate Valve with T Handle Swivel Curb Stop Knuckle Saver Flaring Tool Gate Valve with Turn Counter Swivel Valve Komodo Flusher Gator Grip Valve Key T-Handle L TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z LAB LAB, cont. LINE TRACERS, cont. Acid Cabinets Turbidity Goldak 5600-SI Alkalinity Turbidimeter, Benchtop Goldak Triad Ammonia Turbidimeter, Portable Heath Sure Lock Arsenic Turbidimeter, Secchi Disk M-66 Locator Beakers M97 Locator Bottles Lab-Line Multipurpose Jack MAC51 BX Carboys Labware Clamp Magnetomatic Cleaning Brushes Metrotech 480 Mason Jars LAMOTTE Metrotech 480B Rectangular Bottles 1200 Iron Colorimeter Metrotech 5000 Wide Mouth Bottles 1200 Fluoride Colorimeter Metrotech 510 Bromine 1200 Manganese Colorimeter Metrotech 810 Buffers 1200 Nitrogen Colorimeter Metrotech 810DX Cabinets, Safety Storage 2020 Turbidity Meter Metrotech 850 Chlorine Colorimeter Alkalinity Test Kits Metrotech 9860/ 9890 Chlorine DPD Reagents Arsenic Test Kit Metrotech HPL-50 Chlorine Test Kit Bromine Test Kit Pipe Tool, Plastic Pipe Chlorine Test Strips Chlorine Test Kit Pipehorn MD100 Clamps DC1200 Chlorine Colorimeter Pipehorn MD110 Cleaning Brushes Fluoride Test Kit Pipehorn 500 Dual Frequency Cleaning Products Hardness Test Kit Pipehorn 820 and 840 Alcotabs Iron Test Kit PL 2000 Subsurface Alconox Multi-Parameter Test Kit RD500 Plastic Pipe Locator Alcojet Nitrogen Test Kit Ridgid Navitrack Liquinox Nutrient Removal Ridgid Seektech Citranox Smart2 Colorimeter Rycom 8840 TC3000 Rycom 8850 Coats Tracer PocketTester Rycom 8856/ 8869 Coliform Test Kit Winkler Test Kit Schonstedt XTpc Colorimeters Subsurface ML Series Conductivity Stan, Junction Box weidmuller, walsal, cross hind, bartex, stahl Fatigue Alarm Solenoid protector Turbo saver Controller protector E-Throttler ( penghemat bahan bakar dump truck) Fuel_stealing Detector ( Alat pendeteksi pencurian solar) untuk commercial truck Inclinotifier Alat untuk memberikan warning kemiringan sudut operasi unit new Auto economizer Alat untuk mebghemat bahan bakar sesuai road speed unit new Vehicle speed limiter, alat untuk membatasi kecepatan maksimum kendaraan new Auto Warming up Device Battery Power Manager K Product: Ball Valve, Butterfly Valve, Balancing Valve, Check Valve, Control Valve, Expantion Joint, Flexible Joint, Foot Valve, Float Valve, Gate Valve, Globe Valve, Knife Valve, Pressure Reducing Valve, Safety Valve, Y â � � Strainer, , Steam Trap, Angle Valve, Solenoid Valve, DIAPHRAGM VALVE SAUNDERS, DIAPHRAGM VALVE NDV, DIAPHRAGM VALVE KTM, Knife Gate Valve W/ Pneumatic Cylinder STAFSJO Gate Valve, Lever Handle, Gear Operated â � ¢ Class 150 API Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 300 API Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 600 API Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 900~ 1500 API Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 600~ 900 API Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 1500~ 2500 API Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 2500 Gate Valve â � ¢ Class 900 Gate Valve â � ¢ Forged Steel Gate Valve Class 1500 â � ¢ Forged Steel Gate Valve Class 2500 â � ¢ Forged Steel Gate Valve Class 800 CHECK VALVE TYPE SWING 300# Kitz CHECK VALVE TYPE SWING 600# , Crane CHECK VALVE TYPE SWING 900# , Lunkenheimer Standart : ANSI, JIS dan DIN.API ASTM/ ASME Class 150# 300# 600# 800# 900# 1500# 2500# Jis 10 Kâ � � 20K, PN 16, PN 40 Instrument Control Valves Fishe, Type 252 Filter Fisher, Type 1367 High Pressure Instrument Supply System Differential Pressure Gauges â � ¢ Digital Controllers â � ¢ Flowmeters â � ¢ Flow Transmitters â � ¢ I/ P Converters â � ¢ Pneumatic Controls â � ¢ â � ¢ Pressure Gauges â � ¢ Precision Pressure Gauges â � ¢ Pressure Regulators â � ¢ Pressure Snubbers â � ¢ Pressure Transmitters â � ¢ Thermometers â � ¢ Valve Positioners â � ¢ LEVEL GAUGE ( REFLEX ) , Male & Female Connector, Union Tee, Union Connector, Union Bulkhead, Manifold 3 â � � 5 way, Needle Valve, Pressure Controller Fisher, Pressure Transmitter Rosemount, Pressure Transmitter Yokogawa.SMART PRESSURE TRANSDUCER ROSEMOUNT, 1151 Differential Pressure TransmitterROSEMOUNT, 3051 CD Differential Pressure Transmitter, ROSEMOUNT, 3051TG Gauge Pressure Transmitter ROSEMOUNT, 1151 Level Transmitter ROSEMOUNT 444 Temperature Transmitter 3144 ROSEMOUNT, Foxboro 823DP Transmitter Foxboro IDP10 DP Transmitter Foxboro IGP10 Gauge Pressure Transmitter Foxboro, Pressure Transmitters : Pressure Transmitters Yokogawa Models : Pressure EJX Series, EJA Series Material : Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, ( 316/ 316L, 304/ 304L) , Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Forget Steel.Malleable Brands/ Manufacture : Kitz, Ktm, KVC, Crane, Toyo, Samyang, Jamesburry, Balon, TK.GROVE, WKM, , ARITA VALVE, TG, GLT.Cameron, Orbit, Stafsjo, , FMC, FUSHIMAN, Yoshitake, Samyang, Shoritsu , Smith, OMB, Amri, Keystone, Ebro, Bray Velan.Tozen, TLV.Spirax Sarco, Butterfly valve Tomoe, Jamesburry, Vogt, Proco, Roxmon, AFA, Murata, Mizu, Armaturen, Lunkenheimer, Yo ne, WIKA, Ascroft, UE, SCHUH Technologi, Nagano, Swagelok Whitey, Parker, Fisher Rosemont, ITT - BARTON, Daniel Senior / Junior.Actuator Bettis Gate valve 2 " Ansi Class 150# A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE Kitz, Gate valve 3 " Ansi Class 150# A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE Crane, Gate valve 4 " Ansi Class 150# A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE, Gate valve 6 " Ansi Class 150# A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE. Gate valve 8 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE Gate valve 10 " Ansi Class 150# A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE Gate valve 12 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB, RF, FLANGE Gate valve 14 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB.RF, FLANGE Gate valve 16 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB, RF FLANGE Gate valve 20 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB, RF FLANGE Gate valve 24 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB, RF FLANGE Gate valve 26 " Ansi Class 150# , A216 WCB, RF FLANGE Gate valve 3 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 4 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 6 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 8 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB, Crane Gate valve 10 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB Gate valve 12 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB Gate valve 20 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 24 " Ansi Class 300# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 2 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 3 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 4 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 6 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 8 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 10 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 12 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 16 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB, Gate valve 20 " Ansi Class 600# , A216 WCB Gate Valve SS 304 8 " 150# Kitz, Swing Check VAlve 8 " , CLass ANSI 300# RF Flange CS.KITZ Swing Check VAlve 12 " , CLass ANSI 300# RF Flange CS Daniel Senior Orifice Fitting, 4 " ANSI CLASS 600# CWP, 1440, PLATE 125, LIEN BORE , BODY MAT` L: ASTM A216 Daniel Orifice Fitting 4 " lien bore 4. 026 ANSI Class 300# CWP 1440 plate 125 Body Mat` l : ASTM Daniel Orifice Fitting Plate Angle Valve Type Flange Jis 10 K Gate Valve Kitz Gate Valve, Crane Gate Valve, Toyo Gate Valve, GLT Gate Valve, OMB Gate Valve, Smith Gate Valve, ARITA Gate Valve, Lunkenheimer Gate Valve, Shoritsu Gate Valve.Sitvalvo Gate Valve, Williams Gate Valve, Heaton Butterfly Valve Ebro Check Valve Type Swing, KITZ CS, Ansi Class 300, Ball Valve Floating Cast Steel A216 WCB, , CLASS ANSI 150 2 " KVC Ball Valve Floating Cast Steel A216 WCB, CLASS ANSI 150 3 " KTM Ball Valve Floating Cast Steel A216 WCB, CLASS ANSI 150 4 " Ball Valve Floating Cast Steel A216 WCB, , CLASS ANSI 150 6 " Ball Valve Floating Cast Steel A216 WCB, CLASS ANSI 150, 8â � � BALL VALVE JIS 10 K 2 " BALL VALVE JIS 10 K 2-1/ 2 " BALL VALVE JIS 10 K 3 " BALL VALVE JIS 10 K 4 " BALL VALVE JIS 10 K 6 " BALL VALVE JIS 10 K 8 " Kitz GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 2 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 2-1/ 2 " , GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 3 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 4 â � � GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 6 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 8 " Kitz GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 10 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 12 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 14 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 16 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 20 " GATE VALVE JIS 10 K CAST IRONT TYPE FLANGE 24 " Pressure Reducing Valve Jis 10 K 8 Pressure Reducing Valve Jis 10 K 6 " Yoshitake, Pressure Reducing Valve Jis 10 K 4 " Yoshitake, Pressure Reducing Valve Jis 10 K 3 " , Yoshitake, Pressure Reducing Valve Jis 10 K 2 " Yoshitake Pressure Reducing Valve Jis 10 K 1 " Yoshitake, Tubing, 3/ 8 " OD X 0.049 walthicknes, 316 SS Tubing, 1/ 4 " OD X 0.049 walthicknes, 316 SS Tubing, 1/ 2 " OD X 0.049 walthicknes, 316 SS Tubing, 3/ 8 " OD X 0.035 walthicknes, 316 SS Tubing, 1/ 4 " OD X 0.035 walthicknes, 316 SS Tubing, 1/ 2 " OD X 0.035 walthicknes, 316 SS swing Check Valve Jis 10 K 2 " swing Check Valve Jis 10 K 3 " swing Check Valve Jis 10 K 4 " swing Check Valve Jis 10 K 6 " Y - Strainerr Jis 10 K 2 " Y - Strainerr Jis 10 K 3 " Y - Strainerr Jis 10 K 4 " FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K DOUBLE RUBBER, 3 " FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K DOUBLE RUBBER, 6 " FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K DOUBLE RUBBER, 10 " TOZEN FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K SINGLE RUBBER, 14 " tozen FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K DOUBLE RUBBER, 16 " FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K DOUBLE RUBBER, 20 " FLEXIBLE JOINT, JIS 10 K DOUBLE RUBBER, 28 " FOOT VALVE JIS 10 K, FLANGE 8 " Rp FOOT VALVE JIS 10 K, FLANGE 8 " Rp FOOT VALVE JIS 10 K, FLANGE 6 " Rp FOOT VALVE JIS 10 K, FLANGE 4 " Rp BALL VALVE CS 4 " # 900 RTJ TOP ENTRY TRUNION KF BALL VALVE 8 " 600# RF Trunnion WKM, WKM DynaSeal 370D4 6 " - 14 " x12 " Ball Valve 8 " 600# RF Flange Orbit, Rising Steam BALL VALVE CS4 " # 900 TRUNION RF.TK BALL VALVE CS, 4 " # 600 TRUNION RF, GEAR BOX GROVE BALL VALVE CS 4 " # 600 TRUNION RF , KVC BALL VALVE CS, 4 " X 3 " 600 TRUNION RTJ TOP ENTRY BALL VALVE CS4 " 600# WKM BALL VALVE CS4 " # 600 RF WKM BALL VALVE CS4 " # 600 TRUNION RF KTM BALL VALVE CS4 " # 600 RF BALON BALL VALVE CS4 " # 600 RF, ARGUS, BALL VALVE CS6 " X 4 " # 900 RTJTRUNION KTM BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 600 RF TRUNION KTM BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 600 RF GROVE, Type B5 BALL VALVE CS6 " # 600 RF TRUNION, WKM, 370D4 BALL VALVE CS6 " # 600 RF TRUNION JAMES BURY BALL VALVE CS6 " # 600 RF TOP ENTRY WKM BALL VALVE CS8 " # 300 RF GEAR BOX ARGUS BALL VALVE CS8 " # 300 RF KITZ BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 600 TRUNION GEAR BOX KVC BALL VALVE CS10 " # 600 RF TRUNION TK/ Grove BALL VALVE CS10 " # 600 RF TRUNION WKM, 3704D BALL VALVE CS10 " # 150 RF TRUNION GEAR BOX KVC BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 1500 RTJ TRUNION GEAR BOX TK BALL VALVE CS 10 " # 300 RF GEAR BOX WKM BALL VALVE CS 12 " # 150 RF TRUNION TK BALL VALVE CS 8 " # 900 RTJ TRUNION GEAR BOX KVC BALL VALVE CS 12 " # 300 RF GEAR OPR D370 WKM BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 900 RTJ TRUNION TK BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 600 RF TRUNION TK BALL VALVE CS, 12 " 600 RF GEAR BOX, GROVE. BALL VALVE CS 8 " # 150 RF FLOATING LVR OPR. E0105 KTM BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 150 RF FLOATING LVR OPR. E0105 KTM BALL VALVE CS 6 " 150 RF FLOATING LVR OPR. ARGUS BALL VALVE CS 6 " 150 RF FLOATING LVR OPR. WKM BALL VALVE CS 6 " 150 RF FLOATING LVR OPR. KEYSTONE BALL VALVE CS 6 " 150 RF FLOATING LVR OPR. TK BALL VALVE CS 6 " # 150 RF FLOATING KITZ CONTROL VALVE FISHER, BODY DESIGN : ET, CAGE GUIDE TRIM, VALVE CHARATERISTIC : EQUAL PERCENTAGE, BODY SIZE: 2â � � , CONNECTION : FLANGE, 300# RF, PORT SIZE : 2-51/ 16â � � , COMPLITE W / FISHER, PNEUMATIC DIAPHRAM ACTUATOR, MODEL : 657, FAIL TO OPEN, BENCH SET: 3 â � � 15PSIG POSITI0NER, MODEL : 3582, INPUT : 3 â � � 15 PSIG, OUTPUT : 3 â � � 15 PSIG CONTROL VALVE FISHER 2â � � 150# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 657 CONTROL VALVE FISHER 2â � � 300# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 667 CONTROL VALVE FISHER 3â � � 150# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 667 CONTROL VALVE FISHER 3â � � 300# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 667 CONTROL VALVE FISHER 4â � � 150# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 657 CONTROL VALVE FISHER 4â � � 300# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 667 CONTROL VALVE FISHER 4â � � 2500# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 657, ET CONTROL VALVE FISHER 6â � � 900# RF TYPE ACTUATOR 667 Fisher Pressurer Indicating Controller Model : 4195 KC, Field Mounting. Range : 0 â � � 750 Psi Out Put : 3 â � � 15 Psi, CONTROL VALVE 1 1/ 2 " 600 FNPT TYPE 667 FISHER CONTROL VALVE 1 " 600 SOCKET TYPE 667 ED FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 1/ 2 " 150 TYPE 98-H FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 1/ 2 " 150 TYPE 95.L-106 FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 630 Class ANSI 300# RF Flange Fisher BIG JOE REGULATOR 1 " FNPT TYPE 630 Range : 250 PSI FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 2 " FNPT TYPE S201 FISHER SWITCHING REGULATOR VALVE 119 FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 95L FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 95H, FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR 2 " FNPT TYPE S202 FISHER PRESSURE REGULATOR, TYPE 627 Connection 1 " NPT Fisher PRESSURE REGULATOR, TYPE 67 AFR PRESSURE REDUCING REGULATOR 310A FISHER Fisher 4150/ 4160 Controller Fieldbus DVC5000 Series Positioners Fieldbus DVC6000 Series Positioners 3582 @ 3582i POSITIONER # Fisher E Bodies # Fisher V-100 # Fisher V-150 # Fisher V-250 # Fisher V-500 # Fisher 8500/ 8510 # Fisher 8532 # Fisher 8550 # Fisher 8560 # Fisher 4150/ 4160 Controllers # Fisher 4195/ 4196 Controllers # Fisher 2500-249 Level Controls # Fisher 3582 Pneumatic Positioner # Fisher 3582I Electro-Pneumatic Positioner # Fisher 3610J Pneumatic Positioner # Fisher 3620 Electro-Pneumatic Positioner # Fisher 5010 DVC Fieldvue Digital Controllers # Fisher 5020 DVC Fieldvue Digital Controllers # Fisher 6010 DVC Fieldvue Digital Controllers # Fisher 6020 DVC Fieldvue Digital Controllers # Masoneilan Camflex II # Valtek Control Valves # 600# RFF Manual Ball Valves # Rosemount 3051 Smart Transmitters # Rosemount 1151 DP Transmitters # Rosemount 3044 Temp. Transmitters # Foxboro 43APâ � � s LEVEL GAUGE, PENBERTY 1 " NPT CONN, BODY MAT` L : CS, BOLTED BONNET, ITT BARTON, FLOW RECORDER DANIEL YUNIOR ORIFFICE 4 " , ANSL CLASS 150, FITTING & INSTRUMNET Flow Control 1/ 4 " NPTF, DELTROL, P/ N , N - 10 - SSK DELTROL Flow control 1/ 8 " NPTF, DELTROL p/ n SFP10SS-B DELTROL Check valve 1/ 4 " FNPT X 1/ 4 " FNPT, NUPRO SS-4C4-1 NUPRO Bulkhead union 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " , SS 316, P/ N SS 600 - 6 SWAGELOK Female conn 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 2 " NPT, SS 316, P/ N SS 810 - 7 -8 SWAGELOK Female conn 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 4 " FNPT, SS 316, P/ N SS 810 - 7 -4 SWAGELOK Female conn 1/ 2 " OD X 3/ 8 " NPT, SS 316, P/ N SS - 810 - 7-6 SWAGELOK Female conn 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT, SS 316 , P/ N SS - 400 - 7-4 SWAGELOK Female conn 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 8 " NPT, SS 316, P/ N SS - 400 - 7 - 2 SWAGELOK Female conn 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 2 " NPT, SS 316, P/ N, SS - 600 - 7-8 SWAGELOK Female conn 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT, SS 316, P/ N SS - 810 - 7 - 4 SWAGELOK Female conn 3/ 8 " OD X 3/ 8 " NPT, SS 316, P/ N SS - 600 - 7-6 SWAGELOK Female elbow Conn 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 2 " FNPT, SS 316, P/ N SS -810-8-8 SWAGELOK Female run tee 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 4 " FNPT, SS 316, SS 400 - 3 -4TFT SWAGELOK Female run tee 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 8 " NPT, SS 316, SS - 400 - 3 - 2TFT SWAGELOK Female run tee 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT, SS 316, SS - 600 - 3-4TFTSWAGELOK Female tee 1/ 4 " FNPT, SS 316, P/ N, SS-4-T SWAGELOK Female tee 3/ 8 " NPT SWAGELOK ea Female tube adapter 3/ 8 " Tube X 1/ 4 " NPT SWAGELOK Font & Black Ferrule set 1/ 2 " SWAGELOK Font & Black Ferrule set 1/ 4 " SWAGELOK Font & Black Ferrule set 1/ 8 " SWAGELOK Font & Black Ferrule set 3/ 8 " SWAGELOK Fusible plug 3/ 8 " OD, SP= 160 deg F, CAJON p/ n SS-6-FTA-160 SWAGELOK Hex coupling 1/ 2 " FNPT X 1/ 2 " FNPT, SS 316, SS - 8 - HCG SWAGELOK Hex long nipple 1/ 4 " NPT X 2 " P/ N SS -4-HLN-2.00 SWAGELOK Hex nipple 1/ 2 " MNPT, P/ N SS - 8 - HN SWAGELOK Male branch tee 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT SWAGELOK Male branch tee 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 2 " NPT, SS 316, PN SS - 810 - 1 -8 SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT, SS 316 , SS - 810 - 1 - 4 SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 2 " OD X 3/ 8 " NPT SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 2 " NPT, SS 316, SS 400 - 1 - 8 SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT, SS 316, SS - 400 -1 -4 SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 8 " NPT, SS 316, SS - 400 - 1 - 2 SWAGELOK Male conn 1/ 4 " OD X 3/ 8 " NPT SWAGELOK Male conn 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 2 " NPT SS 316, SS 600 - 1 - 8 SWAGELOK Male conn 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT, SS 316 , SS 600 - 1- 2 SWAGELOK Male conn 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 8 " NPT SWAGELOK Male conn 3/ 8 " OD X 3/ 8 " NPT, SS 316 , SS 600 - SWAGELOK Male elbow 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 2 " NPT SWAGELOK Male elbow 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 2 " MNPT, SS 316, SS - 400 -2 - 8 SWAGELOK Male elbow 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 4 " MNPT, SS 316 , SS - 400 -2- 4 SWAGELOK Male elbow 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 2 " MNPT, SS 316, SS - 600 - 2 - 8 SWAGELOK Male elbow 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPT SWAGELOK ea Male elbow 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 8 " NPT SWAGELOK ea Male elbow 3/ 8 " OD X 3/ 8 " NPT SWAGELOK ea Male run tee 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 4 " MNPT, SS 316, SS-400-3-4-TMT SWAGELOK Male run tee 1/ 4 " OD X 1/ 8 " MNPT, SS 316, SS -400-3-2-TMT SWAGELOK .Male run tee 3/ 8 " OD X 1/ 4 " NPTSWAGELOK FERUL& Nut 1/ 2 " SWAGELOK FERUL& Nut 1/ 4 " SWAGELOK FERUL& Nut 1/ 8 " SWAGELOK FERUL& Nut Nut 3/ 8 " SWAGELOK Reducing union Conn 1/ 2 " OD X 1/ 4 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 810 - 6 - 4 SWAGELOK Reducing union 1/ 2 " OD X 3/ 8 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 810 - 6 -6 SWAGELOK Union conn 1/ 2 " OD, SS 316 , SS - 810 - 6 SWAGELOK Union conn 1/ 4 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 400 - 3 SWAGELOK Union conn 3/ 8 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 600 - 6 SWAGELOK Union tee 1/ 2 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 810 - 3 SWAGELOK Union tee 1/ 4 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 400 -3 SWAGELOK Union tee 3/ 8 " OD, SS 316, P/ N SS - 600 - 3 SWAGELOK Needle Valve, 3/ 4 in. Female NPT P/ N : SS-8GUF12 , SWAGELOK Stainless Steel Screwed-Bonnet Gauge Needle Valve, 3/ 4 in. MNPT x 1/ 2 in. FNPT, P/ N: SS-6PNBGM12-F8G , SWAGELOK SS 1-Piece 40 Series Ball Valve, 3/ 8 in. FNPT, P/ N : M-44F6 SWAGELOK 2 Way valve versa BPS - 3308 - VERSA 3 wnc manual/ pilot valve  ¼ â � � NPTF with latch pin, VERSA BAA-3309-900W - 43-316 VERSA 3 wnc manual/ pilot valve  ¼ â � � NPTF, VERSA, BAA-3309-900-43E316 VERSA Our friendly staff will guide you in selecting the most appropriate Repair Facility for your individual needs. Please use the contact us form or call our head office on : ( 0542) 414942 or 0812 57755992. | ||
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